Asia Pacific Association of Critical Care Medicine
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President Elect's Message
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Laws of the Society
BL 1. The Executive Committee shall:
determine the place, date and time for meetings of the Executive Committee or the date and time of meetings when these take place by teleconferencing, video conferencing or other electronic communication system.
meet preferably at least once a year and at such times as may be necessary. Meetings shall be held at such place and upon such notice as the President may designate.
appoint members to any Standing Committees, fill the vacancies of such Standing Committees, decide on the terms of office of each member of the Standing Committees and decide on the terms of reference of each Standing Committee.
have the authority or power to form other committees as needed.
BL 2. Duties of Office Bearers and Executive Committee Members:
The President shall preside at all Executive Committee meetings and shall be responsible for the management of the Executive Committee.
The Vice-President President-Elect shall generally assist the President. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President President-Elect shall preside over the Executive Committee and Council Meetings.
The Secretary-General and Deputy Secretary:
- shall convene all meetings of the Executive Committee.
- shall prepare a report of the activities of the Executive Committee which shall be circulated to the national/regional societies not less than one (1) month before the date fixed for the Executive Committee meeting.
- shall keep minutes of all Executive Committee and Council meetings of the Association.
The Treasurer:
- shall co-sign all cheques signed by the President or other member of the Executive Committee and forward these to the payee.
- shall keep an account of all business transactions by the Executive Committee.
- shall prepare the financial report, which shall be circulated to national/regional Societies one (1) month before the date fixed for the Congress.
- shall accept contributions and fees from national/regional societies.
BL 3. Congress
Congress of the APACCM shall be held in alternate years or at such other times as may be approved by Council.
APACCM will share in the net profit or losses of the Congress on a 50:50 basis or on such other basis as has been approved by the Executive Committee not less than one (1) year before the date of the opening of the Congress.
The organizer of the Congress shall submit a certified copy of the financial report not later than six (6) months after the last day of the Congress to the Treasurer. Any monies owing from a net surplus on the Congress shall be submitted to the Treasurer not later than twelve (12) months after the last day of the Congress.
The dates and place of the Congress of the APACCM shall be determined by Council unless delegated by Council to the Executive Committee. Any society wishing to host a Congress of APACCM may make a representation to Council. If more than one nation wishes to host the Congress in a year it falls due, the venue will be determined by a vote of Council.
BL 4. Meetings of Executive Committee
The agenda for the Executive Committee shall be prepared by the Secretary-General or Deputy Secretary. Matters to be considered by the Executive Committee may be placed on the agenda for the next meeting by any organization of Critical or Intensive Care Medicine in the Asia Pacific Region.
The Executive Committee has the power to decide whether or not a resolution submitted by a member falls within the objectives of the Association.
Any three (3) members of the Executive Committee will constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting business.
The Executive Committee shall act for and on behalf of Council, and with the full authority of Council, between Council meetings.
A copy of the draft minutes of the Executive Committee shall be sent to all Council members attending the most recent Council meeting or their nominee not more than sixty (60) days after the date of the meeting.
BL 5. Meetings of Council
The date, time and place of Council meetings will be advised to national/regional organizations of Critical and Intensive Care Medicine, individual full members and others entitled to nominate members to Council not less than one (1) month before the proposed date of the Council meeting.
Nominees to the Council meeting shall advise the Secretary-General of their name and the organization or group they are representing not less than fourteen (14) days before the date and time of the Council meeting. In the event that more nominations to Council are received that are specified under section 5 (b) of this Constitution the President shall have absolute discretion to determine the attendance at the Council meeting.
The Council meeting shall normally be held during the Congress of APACCM.
The Agenda of Council shall be prepared by the Secretary-General and shall include:
Apologies for absence.
Statements of any or potential conflicts of interest by Council members.
Endorsement of minutes of the previous Council meeting.
Notice of minutes of Executive Committee meetings.
President's report.
Secretary-General's report.
Treasurer's report.
Endorsement of financial statements.
Reports by representatives of national/regional organizations of Critical or Intensive Care Medicine. The Agenda of Council may include:
Election of office bearers in the year in which elections fall due.
Election of the venue for future Congress of APACCM.
Any motions proposed with notice.
Any other business.
Motions, proposals, proposed amendments to the Constitution and other matters to be included in the agenda must be sent to national/regional societies to reach the Secretary-General not later than one (1) month before the date fixed for the opening of the Congress.
The Secretary-General shall forward the agenda to all Council members nominated not less than one (1) week before the date fixed for the opening of the Congress.
BL 6. Overdue Fees
Annual subscription fees are payable to Treasurer of APACCM during the current year.
Fees become overdue on 1 January of the succeeding year. Two letters of reminder will be sent to the Treasurer of the Society concerned when fees become overdue.
When overdue fees have not been paid for 12 months, the Society will cease to be a member in good benefit and issuance of the Journal Critical Care and Shock to the Society will cease.
Payment of overdue and current fees will enable the Society to resume member in good benefit.
contact info
Tata Memorial Hospital, Dr Ernest Borges Road, Parel
Mumbai 400 012, India.
What we do
Critical Care Medicine shall mean that section of health care specifically organized for the management of the critically ill patient.