Critical Care
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    Critical Care
    Critical Care Medicine shall mean that section of health care specifically organized for the management of the critically ill patient.
    Contact Us
    Critical Care
    Critical Care Medicine shall mean that section of health care specifically organized for the management of the critically ill patient.
    Contact Us

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  • to advance the theory and practice of Critical and Intensive Care Medicine throughout the Asia Pacific Region;
  • to improve the quality of teaching and training in Critical and Intensive Care Medicine within the Asia Pacific Region;
  • to stimulate research in Critical and Intensive Care Medicine;
  • to provide expert advice to governmental and other bodies on matters pertaining to Critical and Intensive Care Medicine;
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Becoming a Member

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Contact Us

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Annual Programme

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contact info
Tata Memorial Hospital, Dr Ernest Borges Road, Parel
Mumbai 400 012, India.
What we do
Critical Care Medicine shall mean that section of health care specifically organized for the management of the critically ill patient.